Broadleaf Weed Control For Non-Crop Areas

Picture is designed to target noxious, invasive, and other broadleaf weeds, as well as woody plants and vines. It is ideal for use on rangeland, pastures, fallow cropland, and non-crop areas such as industrial sites, roadsides, and rights-of-way. The active ingredient, Picloram, ensures effective control of tough weeds and woody species. It is suited for broad-spectrum weed management in areas where vegetation control is essential. Use is restricted to certified applicators for regulated application and control.

Registered In Progress Not Registered
Product Information
Active Ingredients Picloram 24.4
EPA Registration Number 83529-126
Signal Word CAUTION
Physical State Liquid (9.68 lb / ga)
Formulation emulsifiable Concentrate
Mode of Action Code(s) WSSA 4
Pack Sizes 2/2.5 | 1/265
Federally Restricted Yes
Same Active, Same Concentration
LANDVisor 22K
Tordon 22K
Tordon K
Tordon(TM) 22K