Broadleaf Weed Control In Non-Crop Areas

Pastisha is a water-soluble herbicide formulated for the selective control of broadleaf annual and perennial weeds, as well as certain woody plants and vines. It is suitable for use on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, forest planting sites, and non-crop areas, such as industrial and rights-of-way sites. The product contains a combination of picloram and 2,4-D, targeting a wide spectrum of weeds while minimizing harm to desired grasses. Ideal for large-scale management, it ensures long-lasting results in controlling resistant weed species.

Registered In Progress Not Registered
Product Information
Active Ingredients 2,4 39.6
Picloram 10.2
EPA Registration Number 83529-127
Signal Word CAUTION
Physical State Liquid (9.65 lb / ga)
Formulation Water-Soluble Liquid
Mode of Action Code(s) WSSA 4
Pack Sizes 2/2.5 | 1/265
Federally Restricted Yes
Same Active, Same Concentration
Grazon P+D
Gunslinger P+D
Tordon 101 Mixture