Di-Cash DGA 4
Selective Herbicide For Broadleaf And Woody Plants

Cited Brand Name: CLARITY

DiCash DGA-4 is a water-soluble herbicide formulated to control a wide range of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds as well as woody brush and vines. It is designed for use on various crops, including corn, soybeans, and pasturelands, along with non-cropland areas. This product works by being absorbed through the plant’s shoots and roots, accumulating in the actively growing parts, and disrupting growth hormones. DiCash DGA-4 is ideal for managing stubborn weeds in large agricultural and conservation areas.

Registered In Progress Not Registered
Product Information
Active Ingredients Dicamba 58.1
EPA Registration Number 83529-35
Signal Word CAUTION
Physical State Liquid (10.2 lb / ga)
Formulation Aqueous Solution OR Aqueous Suspension
Mode of Action Code(s) WSSA 2
Pack Sizes 2/2.5 | 1/265
Federally Restricted No
Same Active, Same Concentration
Banvel(R) II Herbicide
Clarity(R) Herbicide
Dicamba 4DGA MP
Dolerity DGA
Drexel Dicamba DGA
M1691 Herbicide
Opti-DGA (HAE)
Sterling Blue
VANQUISH(R) Herbicide